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In Memory Of The Horses That Have Touched Our Lives and Our Hearts



Lollipop was a gentle mare that had just began her career as a horse in our program. For such a well schooled horse, Lollipop's gentle nature made her a top choice for riders wanting to go off lead. At only 13 years of age, she had an old soul, we will miss her and remember her fondly. We would like to thank her owner for allowing us the opportunity to get to know Lollipop, even for this brief moment.



Treasure was a very special horse that could make everyone around him feel like they were the most important person in the world. Born in 1997, Treasure has an amazing life as a show horse with Dana. We then purchased Treasure where he arrived in 2018 only to be adopted by his second mom Ashley. She doted on him and taught him that photos were cool. Treasure LOVED his riders in our program and will be missed by everyone who ever met him. He was a true Treasure.


Sirocco Dancer (aka: Dancer)

Dancer, the horse with the heart of a lion has left us. A beautiful bay mare with a star the shone brightly on her forehead would keep any of her friends in order with a simple glance and treated all her riders like gold. Dance had the patience of a saint and showed her versatility with her long stride, stepping out when asked. At 28 years old, Dancer had made many friends both four legged and two and will be missed by many people. She now dances with her friends in gardens of green grass.



Rooster was a horse that touched many peoples lives. He was kind, calm and was the perfect ambassador for all equines. Rooster had a variety of different horse jobs over the years (including TV) and later in life, as a horse in our Little Bits program. He made any leaders job, easy. You could often find Rooster drinking his hot tea while resting in his stall during the day. Roosters later years were spent as a retiree and greeted everyone with his soft eyes and gentle manner. He will be missed by everyone whose lives he touched.



Birdie was a mare that was more than special, she held a special spot with her riders and those that worked wit her. Birdie would carefully maneuver her riders around all obstacles like a ballerina. Her unique colouring made her stand out and we were grateful to have her in our program. Birdie had a great career but she now gallops with Lillipop in fields of  green.

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A petite mare with the heart of gold and colouring to match, Ali-Cat helped many new riders learn how feel safe. Ali-Cat was a gentle soul with a touch of sass that everyone loved to work with. She would often touch people with her nose very gently but preferred not to get attention back unless SHE asked. She had many horse friends in her life but bonded with Cocoa in her later years. You would often see them spending time together in the field, very content.



A beautiful little bay mare left us today. She was sweet, kind, patient and very honest, not a mean bone in her body. Cocoa loved to be loved. She had many friends over the years and many, many riders learned how to groom and rider her.

Cocoa was 29 years old when she decided she wanted to spend more time with Ali-Cat again so off she flew to gallop the green pastures. We will miss you Cocoa. We thank you



Sparky was hilarious because you never really knew where you would find him. In the lost and found box, on Ros’s chair, in the side-by side, walking with someone around the property or trying to get into the classroom. Sometimes even watching a class from the mounting block. He was a sweet boy that would let you know if he WANTED to have attention or not. His rules. You also had to check around your car before leaving as he sometimes like to play hide-and-seek with the barn staff. He will be missed.


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Little Bits Therapeutic Riding Association

Charitable Number: 11902 – 1277 RR0001

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